He for She? or We for She?

I am a feminist.

Referring to oneself as a “feminist” has a very negative connotation today. It is associated with women who are “man haters," those who want to assert their superiority over men, and women who are abrasive, outspoken, and often angry.

 The word has gained an additional negative reputation in the church. Many Christians see feminists as radicals who are defying the biblical standard of what and who a woman of Christ should be.
So what is a woman of Christ? So many believers say she is a submissive wife, a nurturing mother, a caregiver, a homemaker, and so she may be. But is that all she can be? My answer is no.

First, I would like to point out in 1 Corinthians 7 Paul states that it is better for women and men to remain single if they can in order to avoid the responsibility of having a spouse or children. This frees individuals to devote their entire lives to Christ. He is not saying everyone needs to do this. He is simply pointing out that if a person can remain single, it will be easier for he or she to make the sacrifices one must make to follow Christ. Paul himself never married and traveled as far as Spain spreading the message of Jesus Christ. I digress..

 So what are those women who choose to remain single supposed to do with their lives with no husband, children, or home to take care of? Paul doesn't seem to be too concerned. I believe they are supposed to do what all followers of Christ are supposed to do: follow Him and take care of His children. And how should a woman go about doing that? In whatever way the Lord has called her to do so.

It has been proven over and over that women (physiologically) are just as smart as men. National test scores are pretty fairly split down the middle between the genders. According to research conducted by Pew Research Center, as of 2012 71% of female high school graduates were enrolled in college, compared to 61% of male high school graduates. Research from the AAUW showed that 57% of all undergraduate degrees go to women! Yet they receive only 47% of bachelor's degrees in mathematics, 40% in the sciences, 20% in physics, and 18% in computer science and engineering. The numbers drop significantly if you look at percentages of masters degrees and doctorates in these areas.

Women are thinkers! Sometimes, yes, we are over thinkers, but we are naturally inquisitive beings who have a special eye for detail and a innate tendency towards compassion. We are observant, and can contribute amazing thoughts and ideas to society. It seems insane to me that anyone would want to suppress that! I will not even get into the equal pay issue, but that is simply ridiculous and is something that should have been resolved years ago in my opinion.


I am tired of girls feeling that they cannot pursue careers they wish to or be interested in certain subjects or past times simply because of their gender. We are ALL God’s children and we were all given brains that allow us to think and question and learn. 

I want my daughter to dream. I want her to look up at the sky and wonder why it’s blue, and why marshmallows float across its surface. I want her to read a book and wonder why someone took the time to write the story, and if there is deeper meaning behind the words. I want her to invent her own meanings and write her own stories. I want her to wonder about history and people and cultures and how the world came to be the way it is. I want her to marvel at plants and insects and ponds and mountains. I want her to appreciate the beautiful world God created around her and ask the big questions. 

I don’t want her to shy away from science and math because she is told she is not smart enough. If she wants to build bridges, I want her to do so. If she wants to design dresses, I want her to do so. I want her to feel free to run, leap, skip, jump, and dance down any path the Lord is leading her. I don’t want her to feel she has to like pink or dolls or tea parties or dress up. I don’t want that to be all she ever knows. If that’s what she likes, then beautiful. She will be mommy’s little princess. But if she wants to learn about the periodic table or about dinosaurs or monster trucks, that’s just as beautiful. If her favorite color is green and she wants to run around in overalls and yellow rain boots, then great.

 I think the worst mistake our society has made is limiting the options girls have from the day they are born. It’s not so much telling a girl she can’t do something (though that is certainly an issue too), but it is also simply never presenting her with an alternative. If all she knows is baking and cleaning and playing kitchen and baby dolls, what choices are you giving her for her future? It is said that women are naturally more nurturing, and that most women prefer to be mothers and raise families. But is that because they truly desire that or because they never considered anything else? Because they were never presented with anything else. 

Why can’t families have both? I know the Bible specifically emphasizes the woman’s role at home and the man’s role as the breadwinner. But I wonder if that was because of the society that was specific to the Bible times. Their society did not have the technological advancements of today. Being a mother and homemaker was a full time job simply because things took longer! Plus, patriarchal societies have existed for centuries. It has taken us thousands of years to break that mold. Now women are more and more being seen as capable of doing the same jobs a man does. So why then can a man not do many of the things a woman is typically seen as doing. 

So many women give up their careers or put them on hold or settle for less to raise a family, while their husbands can pursue their careers full throttle. This is why we see that drastic drop in the percentage of females attaining doctorates in science and math. They give up their research for family. But why can a husband and wife not share the responsibilities at home? 

The reason this issue is so important to me is because God did gift me with a love of academics and an aptitude for school, and I have to wonder why.  I would like my children, if I should have any to be raised equally by both me and my husband. And I would like the opportunity to pursue any career God directs me towards. 

I just believe that women are capable of so much. Not more than men, but just as much, and I don’t want any girl to think she is insufficient. I have been there, and it ruins you. 

I do not plan to post things like this all the time. But for my first post I wanted to write something that I was passionate about. This is a topic that has been coming up more and more often lately, and with the #HeforShe campaign that Emma Watson is front lining right now, I thought it was an appropriate time. Feel free to post your responses! 
One thing I am not is close minded (or so I like to think!). I really do enjoy seeing and understanding different people's perspectives. This is simply my opinion on the topic!
Hope you enjoyed it and that it got you thinking about the issue.
It is an EXTREMELY important one.



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