An Introduction

Every good story needs a proper introduction. I cannot yet affirm that mine shall be a good story, so I cannot assure you that what follows is a good introduction. But alas, that is not for me to decide.

As far as introductions go, they all seem to have certain qualities in common. There is an identification of the author, an explanation of why said author is giving up a portion of the valuable time she has been given to present you (the reader) with her thoughts and why she believes you should surrender an equal amount of your time to peruse her ponderings, and a suggestion as to what is to follow.
(1) As to my identity: I prefer to remain anonymous.
(2) As to why I have created this blog: I have a story, and I would like to share it. (more on this in a bit)
(3) As to why you (the reader) should read what I write: I do not have an answer. Your judgment on this matter is far superior to my own.
(4) As to what will follow: You may expect personal reflections, the occasional story, perhaps a profound revelation from time to time, but ultimately a roughly yet hopefully eloquently sketched portrait of my life in words.


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